Saturday, November 22, 2014

Homemad Wild Mushroom Gnocchi

It has been a long while since I posted anything.. again. It's not that I've stopped cooking or traveling or have anything fun to share, but facebook/instagram are just so quick and convenient. With the amazing photo editing tools on cell phones,  I've deserted my DSLR for quite some time now. Lately, I do feel the spark in re-starting all of this. Mostly because I was going through some old photos from past trips and realized that the quality of the shots are still unbeatable. I want to take better pictures and I want to spend more time doing the things I love.

My boyfriend and I have been together for quite some time now. He's a busy man and works a lot of hours. Most of the time when he's home, he's glued to the computer. As an effort to spend some more quality time together, I decided we should cook together more often. It's been about a month since we got back from Italy and I was missing those pillowy gnocchi that we had in Florence. I decided to attempt homemade gnocchi. This is not my first time, but I definitely do not remember how they turned out last time I made it since that was back in college days.

I used Andrew Carmellini's recipe. The result was not terrible, but definitely some room for improvement. I was so concerned of over working the dough that I don't think I worked in quite enough flour, therefore the dough was softer than I wanted it. I would have to do a little bit more research on the potato and flour ratio. Definitely a reason to re-make. Plus, with the luscious wild mushroom cream sauce which I added dry vermouth, dried porcini and it's broth to, it can't be that bad!! Buon appetito!