Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Heart Paris

It's been quite a while since I got back from my vacation and it took so long to finally got a part of my pictures organized. My old laptop was not going to do the trick, so now I'm writing this entry on my new laptop which I adore! Like always, I don't have much to say... pictures speak a thousand words. I must say though, recently I've been cooking more Chinese food than ever before. It feels pretty good because I think of my mom whenever I make Chinese food. And I've got some pretty good pictures of her making her specialty, pan fried dumplings... except that will be the next post when I sort through another folder of pictures.

These pictures were taken at this little farmers market that we accidentally walked by along the Seine River. This is definitely one thing I wish we had in the States. The french onion soup and the croque madame was from a small cafe near the farmers market and it was pretty tasty... but someone tell me WHY food is so expensive in Europe?!

Paris is truly one of the most beautiful places I've ever been!


  1. That French Onion soup looks amazing.

  2. wow i almost died looking at these photos
    and ditto on the french onion soup *drool
