Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back to my Roots

I want to start out by saying that this post is dedicated to my mom!

The snow of the century had forced myself to stay home for numerous days which got me to challenge myself to some 鍋貼 guo tie and 蔥油餅 scallion pancakes. I drove out into the snowy roads just to get ingredients for the guo tie.

Scallion pancakes, made out of the simplest ingredients… flour, water, scallion, oil and some salt. Yet, something so simple can be oh so delightful.

The dough of the scallion pancakes is the same with the one used for the guo tie. I normally don’t post recipes, but since the hot water dough is so basic and useful, I think it’s nice to have it.


3 cups of flour

1 cup of hot water (around 170 F)

1/2 cup of cold water


1) Put water in bowl. Pour in hot water and stir to form a loose dough.

2) Slowly mix in cold water.

3) Prepare a separate bowl, grease it, then put dough inside. Let is rise for about 20 min.

You can use this for many different dumplings and Chinese style pancakes.

For the guo tie, I had made a shrimp, pork and cabbage filling. I wanted to use some yellow chives, but it wasn’t available in the grocery that day. Was a little bummed about that! But these turned out pretty good. What I would probably change next time though is to make the dough a little thicker so when you fry it in the pan, the bottom part does not get too crispy.

So, here goes..

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1 comment:

  1. you can open a 八方雲集 store in TW with those 鍋貼! Daddy would love it~
