Wednesday, May 19, 2010


All of my friends have a deep love for the Chinese Beef Noodle Soup a.k.a. NRM (牛肉麵). A few of us actually went to several Chinese restaurants around the Rockville area just to try their NRM. Many of the restaurants make their own noodles and the noodles for the most part were pretty good, but somehow most of their broth lacked flavor.

The past weekend I decided to cook up a bunch and shared it with some of my favorite people. I would really invite more people, but my pot only accommodates about 8 servings or so.

I made NRM two ways. The first one was a ginger flavored clear soup based NRM and the second was a spicy Szechuan style soy based NRM. Unfortunately, I don't really have recipes for these cause I just added seasonings as I went. But here were the results from me slaving away in the kitchen on a Saturday afternoon... which I totally enjoyed. I find cooking a very Zen activity!!


  1. mmmm... salivating all over again looking at picture. slurppppp

    =] thanxxxxxxxxxxx

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  3. loved it! thanks for slaving in the kitchen for us.

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