Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cooking with Friends!

Had another cooking date.. this time with D! D made Vietnamese spring rolls and I made mushroom risotto and baked lobsters with garlic and butter! I wanted to make risotto cause I impulsively bought the Le Creuset risotto pot I've been wanting for years! The risotto turned out perfect! The rice was perfectly cooked with a bite! The mushrooms were nutty with a faintest hint of cognac! Yum! As for the lobster.... I am proud to say that I've perfected the skills of killing and breaking them down! I won't say how I kill them on here, since my friends usually give me the yuck face when I tell them! Let's just say... I do it the way my mom does it! Oh, and of course... as always, lobster congee (not shown) so I don't waste any bits of it!

Baked Lobster with Garlic and Butter

Mushroom Risotto

D's Vietnamese Spring Rolls with Ground Pork and Shrimp

The Pot I Bought!!!

Lastly, one more week till Turkey Day!! Got my menu all sorted out! Hopefully the pictures will turn out okay so I can post them! Can't wait to spend the holiday with the fam!... minus Jen =(