Saturday, November 5, 2011

Trip to Europe

It's been a long time! I felt like I needed to share some of the photos that I've taken while my travel to Europe. This time around I was able to use some of my acquired techniques over the past year taking photography class and also the prime lens that I've purchased. Definitely should think about upgrading the camera body since the D50 isn't capable of taking any high speed SD card!

This spontaneous last minute trip was planned two weeks before flying out! I felt like I needed to do something, go somewhere during the two weeks in between jobs! Pretty much the boldest thing that I've ever done so far in my life! Thanks to AJH! Also wanted to thank our Paris tour guide JT for taking us around. It was definitely a close call getting our phone/camera taken by that damn 12 year old little boy!

Paris was as beautiful as I remembered and London was just amazing! Here are just a sneak peak of some of the photos that I've taken!

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