Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Guinea Pigs!

I invited a few of my girl friends over tonight to be guinea pigs and test out a different flavor risotto! I chose pumpkin since.. 'tis the season for pumpkin everything! (I still haven't had a piece of pumpkin pie yet!) I steamed half of the pumpkin in the microwave, pureed it and pan fried the other diced half in butter. Made the basic risotto with onions, garlic, white wine, chicken broth and some Parmesan cheese. Added the pumpkin puree and cubes... 30 min of standing in front of the risotto, babysitting the pan.. voila! The sweetness from the pumpkin, nuttiness of the arborio rice made an interesting combination with the butter seared scallops. I think I might have to swap this dish from the butternut squash salad i planned on making for Thanksgiving.

Photo courtesy of G!

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